Foot reflexology massage in Zurich
This is an alternative medical therapy method in which the entire body and the organ system can be influenced by massaging the reflex zones at the feet. Reflex zone therapy is based on the assumption that certain areas of the skin at the extremities, but also at the palms and ears, have a reflective connection to the internal organs. By treating the corresponding reflex zones, it can contribute to the alleviation or healing of various physical complaints. The massage is carried out on the soles of the feet, toes, heels and upper sides of the toes.
45 Minuten: 115 CHF
60 Minuten: 144 CHF
75 Minuten: 172 CHF
90 Minuten: 205 CHF
120 Minuten: 270 CHF
Costs covered by health insurance 50%-90%.
No prescription from a doctor is necessary.
Most supplementary insurances cover the costs of a massage. Go to our health insurance page, select your supplementary insurance and see what therapists are recognised with your insurance.
What are the basics of reflex zone massage?
The reflex zone massage is similar to the principle of Chinese acupressure or acupuncture, but is not to be confused with it, since the two therapy methods are based on different findings. The reflex zone massage known to us has its origin in North and Central American Indian people. Around 1913 the American physician William Fitzgerald systematized the foot reflex zone massage after he had observed that the natives massaged certain points on the foot with illnesses and pains and thus achieved an improvement.
The reflex zones and their interactions have also been known to the Egyptians, Indians and Chinese for thousands of years. Even in ancient times, doctors treated their patients by massaging their feet. Each organ has its own zone on the foot through which a balancing effect can be achieved on the corresponding organ. The left and right feet reflect the left and right half of the body. The same applies to the Hä;ndes. However, it has not yet been possible to explain scientifically how these long-distance effects occur in the body.
When is a massage of the foot reflex zones recommended?
When should it not be used?
Classical massage
For normal tension without severe pain, book the Classic Massage.
Medical Massage
When you suffer from acute or chronic pain book a medical massage.
Sports massage
A massage with strong pressure. It can be used for the prevention and regeneration of the body before and after workouts.
Pregnancy massage
From the first month you can come to us for massage. The treatment is adjusted to the month of pregnancy.
Myofascial release
The aim is to detach different tissue layers from each other in order to eliminate discomfort.
Trigger point therapy
Pain points in the muscle are treated, which are often perceived as punctual hardenings and trigger pain.
Deep Tissue Massage
This involves working with a lot of pressure in depth and loosening fascia and muscles.
Lymphatic Drainage
In the case of swellings that occur, among other things, after operations or weakness of the veins, pregnancy, etc., the water in the tissues is eliminated more quickly here by lymphatic drainage.
Foot reflexology massage
The entire body can be influenced and brought back into balance via the foot reflex zones.