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Traditional European Naturopathy (TEN) believes that the human body usually has enough self-healing powers to keep itself healthy and heal in the event of illness. An unhealthy lifestyle, such as improper diet, lack of exercise, sleep, and fresh air, as well as physical or mental stress, can disrupt the body’s self-regulation and thus trigger diseases.

In a treatment with naturopathic practices, the focus is not on the individual symptoms of the disease, but on trying to stimulate the self-healing powers of the body in a natural way, to guide them in the right direction and to support them.

The naturopath therefore first looks at the client holistically: What is the lifestyle? What are the current living conditions? What are the problems and concerns? What kind of person are they?Based on this, a treatment plan is designed, which consists of various elements such as nutritional counselling, herbal medicine, massage therapy and lifestyle counselling.


45 Minuten: 125 CHF
60 Minuten: 154 CHF
75 Minuten: 182 CHF
90 Minuten: 215 CHF

Costs covered by health insurance 50%-90%.

No prescription from a doctor is necessary.

Most supplementary insurances cover the costs of a massage. Go to our health insurance page, select your supplementary insurance and see what therapists are recognised with your insurance.




Phytotherapy means herbal medicine and is one of the oldest medical therapies ever. It is native to all continents and cultures. Traditional European naturopaths mainly use European medicinal plants. They are used in the form of tinctures, capsules, tea blends, inhalations and compresses and they support the self-healing powers of the body. They can be used in combination with- and to support conventional medicine.

Nutritional Counselling TEN

Nutritional counseling according to TEN is not about calorie counting. It’s about much more than that! The counseling considers your individual metabolism and body type. A focus is put on the digestive tract and its optimal functioning. 

Also, our psyche has a great influence on our eating which is why the naturopath considers it when advising a change of diet. 

Through a healthy diet and healthy digestive tract, the immune system is strengthened and the absorption of important nutrients is improved. A targeted change in diet can lead to a strong improvement of and pain relief from diseases such as rheumatism, gout, diabetes mellitus, depression, irritable bowels syndrome, neurodermatitis, acne, and many more.

Manual Therapy

Manual therapy plays a significant role in Traditional European Naturopathy. Therapists often apply techniques such as classical massage, reflexology, or trigger point therapy.

Naturopathy for women

Our naturopath Andrea has specialised, among other things, in naturopathy for women. She can help you with problems such as

  • PMS
  • Desire to have children
  • Endometriosis / Fibroids
  • Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation)
  • Amenorrhea (lack of menstruation)
  • Menopause

Intestinal Purification and Detoxification Therapy

Cupping stimulates the reflex zones in the body, e.g. on the back, and thus activates the organs and organ systems that are linked to these zones via nerve pathways. As a result, the functioning of these organs is improved, hardening in the skin and subcutaneous tissue is dissolved, and the metabolism of the body is stimulated and strengthened.

Moxa therapy comes from Chinese medicine and has proven to be very effective in Asian folk medicine. The indirect application of compressed burning mugwort warms the reflex zones of the body. As a result, the body’s own self-healing powers are mobilized.

Great successes have been made through moxa with acute and chronic pain conditions, back problems, gastrointestinal complaints, muscle tension, PMS, and disease of the tendon apparatus.


When can naturopathy help?

Naturopathic practices can help with and prevent a variety of problems:

  • Headaches and migraines
  • Chronic and acute stress, burnout
  • Digestive problems
  • Skin problems, such as neurodermatitis
  • Tinnitus
  • Tension
  • Sleep problems, chronic fatigue
  • Menstrual cramps, irregular cycle, menopausal discomfort, PMS
  • Desire to have children
  • to switch to a holistically healthy lifestyle
What does the therapy process look like?

Before the treatment takes place, an extensive anamnesis, which usually lasts an hour, is carried out in the naturopathic practice. All data is collected: life circumstances, occupation, diet style, current difficulties, stress level, pre-existing conditions, important things from the past. Naturopaths and clients take the time to work out the exact concern and the treatment goal.

Based on this anamnesis, our naturopaths will advise you and create a comprehensive treatment plan. This can include nutritional advice, herbal medicine, cupping, detoxification procedures, massage over the feet, and at Origin also medical massage. Depending on the therapist, other methods, such as gynecology, can also be included.

The treatment plan is fulfilled over several sessions. The treatment period and the number of sessions required always depend individually on the concern and the person in treatment.

Often the naturopath provides practical exercises or tinctures that the client can use at home between treatments.

Naturopathy and Western Medicine

Naturopathy is a complementary medicine to Western medicine. It sees Western medicine as a strong partner; together, people can be supported holistically in their health. You can also think of it this way: Western medicine is like the fire brigade: if there is an acute problem, an injury, a fracture, a serious illness, it can quickly extinguish the fire. However, in most cases, a water damage remains: side effects, injured tissue from surgery, etc. Naturopathic practice can now support people in healing successfully and sustainably.

Of course, it can also always be used preventively to maintain a sustainable, healthy lifestyle.

How profound is the training to become a naturopath according to TEN in Switzerland?

The training to become a naturopath according to TEN is very extensive. It takes more than 4 years, in which the following topics are dealt with extensively:

  • Western modern medicine (1200 hours)
  • Phytotherapy (herbal medicine) (1050 hours)
  • Traditional European Naturopathy (336 hours)
  • Nutritional counseling (342 hours)
  • Classical massage therapy (167 hours)
  • Foot reflexology (155 hours)
  • Internships in a naturopathic practice (655 hours)

Overall, the training to become a naturopath in Switzerland involves more than 4200 hours.
