Physiotherapy: Here is how it can help you

In physiotherapy, functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system are analyzed and treated. The body and all its structures are seen in its entirety and biomechanics must be precisely understood. The aim is to support the patient in rehabilitation, to increase the functional performance of the body, or to return it to its original state. According to the latest science, the most effective approach to physiotherapy is an active one. This means that patients actively participate in the therapy process, instead of the therapist simply carrying out physiotherapy on them. Studies show that the greatest therapeutic success can be achieved with this approach.

What is the difference between active and passive physiotherapy?

An active therapy approach is when the patient is actively involved in the process and performs exercises themselves. If one is mobilized and manipulated only by the hands of a therapist, it is called a passive therapy approach.

What problems can physiotherapy help me with?

  • Sports injuries & traumas, such as concussions, bone fractures, tendons, ligaments, or muscle injuries
  • Head & spine complaints, such as lumbago, headache, dizziness, teeth grinding, postural problems
  • Complaints of the hands and arms, such as tennis and golfer’s elbow, injuries to the rotator cuff or biceps tendon, frozen shoulders
  • Complaints of legs and feet, such as runner’s knees, cruciate ligament ruptures, hip joint osteoarthritis, knee joint deformities “X” and “O” legs, cartilage damage

What techniques are used in physiotherapy?

In physiotherapy, the therapist will apply different methods and techniques,  depending on the problem. These include, for example:

  • Functional physiotherapy
  • Manual therapy/manipulations
  • Trigger point therapy
  • Dry needling
  • Fascia treatments
  • Maxillofacial physiotherapy
  • Medical Training Therapy (MTT)
  • Myoreflex therapy
  • Mobilisations
  • Electrotherapy
  • Manual lymphatic drainage
  • Osteopathic techniques

What is the procedure during a physiotherapy appointment?

As a first step, the therapist will carry out a detailed assessment and movement analysis. Life circumstances, occupation, leisure activities, stress levels, and movement patterns will be analyzed. Based on this, the physiotherapist creates hypotheses as to what could cause the problem. These hypotheses are tested until the therapist gets a clear picture of the problem. During these tests, the therapist and the patient remain in exchange. The patient should understand exactly what is being tested and why the therapist is making these hypotheses.

As soon as the problem is identified, the therapist will set up an individual treatment plan. This includes the number of physiotherapy sessions and the active movements that the patient should perform outside the sessions.

How long does a treatment take and how many treatments does it usually take?

A physiotherapy session usually lasts between 30 and 50 minutes. How many treatments it takes depends on the individual problem.

Does my health insurance cover physiotherapy?

As an independent discipline of conventional medicine, physiotherapy is part of basic care in accordance with the Health Insurance Act. The costs are therefore covered by basic insurance. However, you will need a referral from your doctor.

Physiotherapy prices Zurich

The following tariffs are set by law and are in Zurich:

Physiotherapy 53.28 SFr Illness | 48,- SFr accident
Physiotherapy expands 85.47 SFr disease | 77,- SFr accident
(complex | multiple diagnoses)
First supplement 26.64 SFr illness | 24,- SFr accident
Self-payer per unit 75,- SFr

Treatments without prescriptions will be charged privately.