Which massage helps with a herniated disc?

Many people feel so much pain when they have a slipped disc that they are unable to move at all and, in the worst case, cramp up. But how does this actually happen and do massage treatments help if you are acutely affected by a slipped disc? Find out more in this blog article.

How does a herniated disc develop?

Our body has 23 intervertebral discs, which fulfill the task of making our spine flexible and protecting it at the same time. You can think of them as a kind of “cushion” that is located between the vertebrae and absorbs shocks. Over time, its core can lose fluid and become less elastic. A herniated disc can then occur when the “gel-like” contents of the disc bulge towards its weak point, close to the spinal canal, onto the spinal canal and thus also onto the nerves. The prolapse is to be understood literally here: The disc prolapses and leads to the classic pain symptoms. A herniated disc in the thoracic vertebrae, on the other hand, is usually asymptomatic and is not noticed by those affected.

Who is particularly susceptible to a herniated disc?

Traditionally, slipped discs are attributed to older, unathletic people or those who work in a skilled trade. But what is behind it? It is a myth that people who have a physically demanding job, for example, are more susceptible to a slipped disc. In fact, working in an office is even more likely to cause a prolapse, as the constant sitting is much more stressful for the spinal cord and spine. In this case, it can help to move more in between or to integrate walks into your working day as well as exercises that relieve the strain, such as the “cat-cow exercise”. The amount of sport you do can have an impact on whether the intervertebral disc is more susceptible to a herniation or not. However, strong muscles and a healthy normal weight are definitely an advantage in preventing a hernia. The biggest factor, however, is our genetics, because if you are predisposed in this way, a herniated disc usually occurs between the ages of 30 and 50.

Can you massage a herniated disc?

In 90% of all prolapses, appropriate therapy or medication is the treatment of choice. It is not true that surgery should be performed immediately in the event of a herniated disc. Experts even say that most operations in this case only provide relief for a short time. Of course, there are cases, such as symptoms of paralysis or bowel and bladder disorders, where this is an emergency. But in general, physiotherapy, exercise, massages or medication can be used to relieve the symptoms.

Massages can certainly provide relief from a slipped disc if they are used correctly. The main aim is to restore mobility in order to get rid of the pain. It is therefore very important that the therapist knows exactly what the condition is in order to be able to carry out the correct and, above all, effective treatment. However, a massage can also be a wonderful preventative measure, as it loosens the muscles, which gives the vertebrae more stability and relieves them.

Where to massage for a slipped disc?

The muscles surrounding the pain should be made flexible and strengthened again so that the vertebrae are relieved and become more stable. However, the acutely painful area should not be further irritated, as this can only put more strain on the nerves. During the massage, placing a cloth in the right place can provide soothing relief for the patient. A gentle massage and light movements in the painful area can be used as support. It is important that mobility is encouraged but that no pressure is exerted on the intervertebral disc. Once the acute pain phase is over, the muscles must be analyzed for tension and weaknesses in order to avoid an imbalance. Finally, to avoid relapses, the core muscles are examined and tips for targeted training are given. The healing process of a herniated disc can take up to a year.

What can you no longer do if you have a slipped disc?

Once the herniated disc has occurred, it is essential to avoid any incorrect strain. However, movement is still one of the best ways to help yourself quickly, as a complete standstill can lead to cramps.

However, activities that triggered the incident should be stopped immediately. It is always advisable to seek medical advice if an incident is suspected.